Every year it gets little closer – the holiday when we’ll run out of every single gift-giving idea. We honestly believed it might happen in 2006 – we looked and looked and just couldn’t find anything for our parents, who possess a lifetime’s worth of gadgets, tchotchkes and knickknacks. But then we stumbled into lemontree and knew we could at least make it through a few more celebrations before we run dry.
lemontree is filled to the brim with brilliant gift ideas. There are vintage-inspired clocks, sassy cards, stylish journals and more funky salt and pepper shakers than any reasonable person would ever need to flavor their food. There are incredible wind-up toys that show off their inner gears and custom silk handbags made locally by Ginger Abernathy Creations. And local doesn’t stop there – look for Wicked Wicks handcrafted candles, Arcana soaps and Tao of Tea gift sets.
After settling on a gift for the ‘rents, we took a few more spins and came up with options for the rest of our list. Who knew lemons could produce a store so sweet?
4035 NE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97212
Do you know of any studies that compare the detrimental aspects of detergents in waste water used for washing mugs/dishes vs. the disposable, non-degrading serveware?
Kinda curious.
I don't have any exact studies on washing verses disposals of serveware. But I know that traditional washing soaps (especially those in other countries) can easily be absorbed and filtered naturally though ecosystems, river beds, trees, marshes, etc. Which is a whole lot better than having a plastic cup that will be around for over 1000 years...does that makes sense or do you actually want a case study?
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