Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Our family friend, Pam Park, owns this awesome boutique shop in the Hollywood District in PDX. I went to visit her today to pick up a funky business card holder for my boss and thought I would do some promo for her on my blog. Here is an article on lemontree by Portland Picks from 2006!

Every year it gets little closer – the holiday when we’ll run out of every single gift-giving idea. We honestly believed it might happen in 2006 – we looked and looked and just couldn’t find anything for our parents, who possess a lifetime’s worth of gadgets, tchotchkes and knickknacks. But then we stumbled into lemontree and knew we could at least make it through a few more celebrations before we run dry.

lemontree is filled to the brim with brilliant gift ideas. There are vintage-inspired clocks, sassy cards, stylish journals and more funky salt and pepper shakers than any reasonable person would ever need to flavor their food. There are incredible wind-up toys that show off their inner gears and custom silk handbags made locally by Ginger Abernathy Creations. And local doesn’t stop there – look for Wicked Wicks handcrafted candles, Arcana soaps and Tao of Tea gift sets.

After settling on a gift for the ‘rents, we took a few more spins and came up with options for the rest of our list. Who knew lemons could produce a store so sweet?

4035 NE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97212


Melinda said...

Do you know of any studies that compare the detrimental aspects of detergents in waste water used for washing mugs/dishes vs. the disposable, non-degrading serveware?
Kinda curious.

Jenna said...

I don't have any exact studies on washing verses disposals of serveware. But I know that traditional washing soaps (especially those in other countries) can easily be absorbed and filtered naturally though ecosystems, river beds, trees, marshes, etc. Which is a whole lot better than having a plastic cup that will be around for over 1000 years...does that makes sense or do you actually want a case study?