- I'm currently watching the Red Sox game - GO SOX! For those of you who have been gone somewhere. The series is tied 3-3, which means this is the final game. I'm hopeful that the Sox will win.
- The garage sale went well this weekend. No rain, which was awesome. Sold a lot of stuff. Especially to this lady who came three different times! She was addicted I swear. I haven't done a garage sale since I was little (by that I mean my parents did the annual block one and I hung out until I got bored and went to play with the neighborhood kids). So it was interesting to experience this one. Between the people who drive by really slowly to see what I'm selling before they get out of their car, to the people who have to touch everything, to the people who have to get a deal. My aunt is coming to get the rest of the stuff tomorrow so it will be out of our house finally. (My mom can't wait!) I'm sure most of it will end up at Goodwill.
- Friday was my last day a THPRD. It was an interesting week but not too painful. My supervisor even invited me out to lunch next Thursday. That should be interesting. I really hope they make changes there but for the most part I am extremely happy with my time there. It was just time for me to grow up and start acting like a real adult.
- Speaking of acting like an adult. Diane Sexton, a girl in my Monday night Bible study invited me to a fundraiser for Pure Life Alliance at the MAC club on Saturday night. It was formal, so I got to play dress up. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot about sexual sin and how it affects not just one person, but their loved ones, families and friends. Did you know?
The U.S. Customs Service estimates that there are more than 100,000 websites offering child pornography (which are illegal) worldwide.
Red Herring Magazine, 1/18/02 -
Hollywood currently releases 11,000 adult movies per year – more than 20 times the mainstream movie production.
LA Times Magazine, 2002. -
39 million homes receive the adult channels in scrambled form, while the number of children with potential exposure to such images is about 29 million
Morality Continues to Decay. Barna Research Group, November 3, 2003. One in 4 American adults surveyed in 2002 admitted to seeing an x-rated movie in the last year.
National Opinion Research Letter-
55%: Percentage of Porn movie rentals vs. non-porn movies in hotels in 2005.
AVN News, State of the Adult Industry The average time a porn movie is watched in a hotel room is 12 minutes.
Time.com, 3-29-05
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