In my previous post I asked people what they were doing to make a change in this world right now. And my good friend, Melinda Groth, wrote about how she supports an organization called Transitions Cambodia, which mission is to "empowering victims of sexual trafficking with the opportunity and processes to heal from the past, focus on the present, and pursue the future." They are working to accomplish this mission by using Transitional Homes. Each home is run by four full time staff members and 10-15 clients, helping the clients gain independence and learn adult living skills. Some of the benefits of this style of transitional home care, include: lower operating cost than institutional after care, low cost of housing, high staff:client ratio, increased focus on individual client needs, limited security risks, improved independence in clients, better social models for adult living, and relatively short program time (average lenght of stay one year with two years of follow up).
I really believe transitional housing is a great way to teach better living skills. Last summer I worked at Orphans Overseas' Community House, a transitional home for teen mothers. And I saw first hand how those girls were learning better life skills, from money management, self-esteem issues, and better parenting skills while living together with help from each other and the staff.
Oh, by the way, you can check out Transitions Global's Blog here!
Let's Brew - 1883 Truman (Burton) No. 8 Ale
18 hours ago
It was great crossing paths with you today, too!
Thanks for the shout-out about Transitions Cambodia/Global. They are savvy and smart, as well as compassionate! I also love that they are based in Hillsboro!
They have a Facebook group page, too:
Just joined their group! Thanks again for the shout out!
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