Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lifeguards Needed

Quick post. Does anyone know any lifeguards in the Oregon area who would be interested in helping out at a Wildhorse retreat for first responders, EMS, police, fire fighters, and people in the service. It's the weekend of June 6th-8th. Let me know. Thanks!


...I am still unpacking and reorganizing my life. I got an email about a new program initiative from Nike about college graduates working in China. And thought about how cool it would be to work in China and live with my dad for awhile. Especially since our bonding trip driving cross country. The deadline is already over, but because of the earthquake and my dad's pull in Nike I decided I am still going to try and apply. Worse thing that can happen is they say is "I'm sorry, you are pass the deadline," right? So I looked at my resume for the first time since graduation and realized. I AM A COLLEGE GRADUATE!?! I don't have a campus address anymore. I have a permant one. Better known as my mom's house until I can get a real job and save up some money to move out. I don't have an expected date of graduation anymore. I had a real solid date. I'm not date-present anymore on any of my college jobs or activies. It is now date-05/08. I guess updating my resume made me realize how final college is. Granted I want to go to grad school in the next 2-5 years. But for now college is over and I still haven't posted my Bahamas, graduation, and road trip pictures on facebook yet!

Anyways, so all this official life updating via my paper life resume got me thinking about my blog. I'm no longer an oblivious college senior. I'm something else. I just don't know what yet. Thus change in my blog title until further notice. If anyone has an suggestions let me know.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Back in Oregon

I'm back in Oregon and currently unpacking and re-organizing my life. So I once again might be missing from the blogging life. If you want to see me let me know.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Greetings from MO

So we weren't able to meet up with dad's friend Jennifer. Which was a bummer because I would have liked to meet another woman who does business. But she did add me to her linkedin contacts which I thought was super nice of her. We did see the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, which dad enjoyed. He has wanted to go there since he was a kid so I think he was glad he could cross that off his bucket list. The highlight of my day yesterday was the improntu stop in St. Lewis to see the St. Lewis Arch. Pretty cool! I think it is one of the 7 Wonders of America or something. But we took some good pictures and I got to actually touch it. Today we plan on stopping in Topeka, KS to see a 1928B Harley Davidson that dad is getting restored there. Pretty awesome stuff since dad has been talking about getting it restored since I was in 6th grade. There are also apparently a ton of wineries in MO so dad said if we cross any on our way into KS we can stop and check it out. Hope all are doing well. Can't wait to see you in OR!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Greetings from PA

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to send a little message letting everyone know we are somewhere outside New Scanton (sp?), PA. We got to a Choice Inn around 10:30PM and crashed. I've been going non stop since finals week and FINALLY got a good night sleep. We are a little slow getting out of here today. We wanted to leave at 8AM, which is in one minute but dad is still in the shower and we haven't eaten our free contential breakfast. Oh well. Today we plan on meeting up with a woman dad mentored at Nike who now works for Victoria Secrets and her new husband and check out the Motorcyle Hall of Fame Museum in Pickerington, OH. Then drive until we get tired again. We did over 400 miles yesterday from 3-10PM. Hopefully we will get farther today.

I'm also thinking about joining a female roller derby league this summer. Good way to work out, make new friends, and work out some agression don't you think? Less stress on my shoulders than swimming. If anyone knows anything about this sport let me know. Thanks!

Hope everyone is doing well. Message me and let me know what you are up too.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Family Day

After surviving on less than 5 hours of sleep while at the Bahamas every day and only getting about 6 hours last night. Right now I am getting up and getting dressed because I GET TO SEE MY PARENTS TODAY! I haven't seen them since January 3rd (dad) and January 10th (mom). And I am super pumped. Not only that but I get to see my little brother (I haven't seen him since spring break) and my grandparents from both my mom and dad sides. We have a busy day ahead of us. I have to go pick up my mom and brother from the airport. Drop my brother off at my aunt's house to hang out for the afternoon and meet my dad who is driving up from CT with his parents to head to Baccalaureate. The actual ceremony I am getting honored with two certifications. Service-Learning and Civic-Leadership. We also have to go to a major/minor celebration for management. After Baccalaureate we are having a group dinner with a whole bunch of family then early to bed since tomorrow is graduation!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

It might be awhile bloggers!

I will be graduating from Bentley College on Saturday, May 17th and then will be leaving Sunday, May 18th for a cross country road trip. I will have limited access to my internet during that time. I will have access to my cell phone though. Follow me on Twitter! I will be arriving in Oregon on May 28th and will be able to respond to emails then.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

In 24 minutes it will be 12AM here and 9PM in Oregon. However, I will be getting on a plane before it will be 3AM here and 12AM there. So I won't be able to officially call my mom and wish her a Happy Mother's Day. So if anyone wants to call her or email her she would love it and I would really appreciate it. She is an awesome mother and I really lucked out when God made me in her!

Mom if you read this. Happy Mother's Day!

Love always Jenna

See you in less than a week. And don't tear up when you read this! :)

In the Bahamas!

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I will be out of the country from today, May 10th through Thursday, May 15th. I will be in the Bahamas celebrating graduating from college! I won't have access to my email, phone or blog.

Have a great week!

<3 jenna

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Break Down

Here is my break down of tomorrow:
10:30 AM - Wake Up!
11AM - 12PM - Tanning and errands (Target - razor blades and underwater camera, Old Navy - flip flops in blue, green and black).
12-1PM - Take Adrian to get his hair cut.
1-3PM - Adventures with Karl - going to my aunt's house and his grandmother's house to drop off moving stuff).
3-6PM - Paint toenails, shower, get dress for senior ball, and pregame.
6PM - 2AM - Senior Ball!

What are you doing tomorrow?

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Roommates are Gone

My roommates moved out today. So I'm all alone. I started cleaning up and organizing stuff. I bought an external hard drive today - very exciting. And finalized my Oregon graduation party list. Very productive day.

Tomorrow is my last day lifeguarding. And hopefully more packing...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


It's official I'm done with college! Guess I need to come up with a new title for my blog...


Getting Closer...

Just submitted my MK 402 final, which is due tomorrow. So that once I finish my MK 343 final tonight I will be COMPLETELY DONE! T-minus 10 hours and counting until my final starts. Ah, that is so far away...

Monday, May 05, 2008

Tomorrow's Final

Tomorrow (well technically today since it is past midnight) is my last final of my collegiate career. Too bad it is a for night class - which means the final is at 6:30PM and it is going to be pretty easy (hopefully). Weird to think I will be done tomorrow...

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Goals for Today

Here are my goals for the day:
  1. Finish studying chapters 6-10 in Salesforce Management
  2. Pack one box for my aunt's house (mostly winter clothes, blankets, and books)
  3. Maybe see a movie - is there anything good out now?
  4. Get to bed early - more lifeguarding and studying tomorrow.
What are your goals today?


My friend Jenni, by way of my newer friend Crystal started blogging about their funny quirks. So instead of studying for my final I thought I should start brainstorming some of my own. Here is what I got so far:
  1. I have to write thank you notes after each present I receive for Christmas, Birthdays, etc. or I can't open my next present - this got so bad my parents started hiding mixed presents under different parts of the tree.
  2. I need to wash my hands after I touch anything.
  3. My room can be a completely mess but I know exactly where everything thing is, however, anything outside of my room needs to be completely organized or I am lost.
  4. I need to be completely wrapped in "Puff" (my blanket) to sleep.
  5. I don't sleep with any pillows. I also don't own any which makes it really hard to have sleep over parties.
  6. I still sleep with a stuff animal, Teddy Betty, which I got on my first Christmas. He doesn't have a face any more and I take him on business trips.
  7. When I'm home for the summer or Christmas break I usually sleep in my mom's bed more times then I sleep in my own.
  8. I hate unpacking, but love packing stuff up.
  9. I enjoy crossing things off lists.
  10. I enjoying popping zits, especially on other people.
  11. My toenails always have to be painted. If they chip I will redo them all.
  12. I never brush my teeth at night unless I drank soda that day.
  13. I have to crack my entire body when I wake up in the morning and consistently throughout the day.
  14. I have to call both my parents and tell them I love them before I get on a plane. Even if this requires waking them up at 3AM.
  15. I have to go to the bathroom before getting on any mode of transportation, bus, train, plane, or car.
  16. When I get nervous I start scratching my left hand by my bottom thumb knuckle or the tops of my shoulder blades.
  17. I get nervous that one day I'm going to take off all the hairs on my eyebrows every time I pluck them in an attempt to get them to match that I need someone to watch me do it.
  18. I hate shaving, and will go months without doing it.
  19. I still hate wearing shorts where strangers can see the scar on my leg, but I love wearing swimsuits in public.
  20. I hate that college now makes me feel like I have to wear makeup and underwear everyday.
What are some of your quirks?

Friday, May 02, 2008


So, I'm officially sick. On a Z Pack and so is my roommate. I'm feeling a bit nauseas which is a little weird. Hopefully it will go away soon. I'm hanging out at my aunt's house right now. Needed to get some laundry done. So I'm feeling productive while hanging out home alone watching The Incredibles on Disney Channel. Good movie. I've seen it before. My aunt and family are at Oliver, which both my cousins are in. I was hoping to go today, but I just wasn't feeling up to it. So I'm just taking it easy. My roommates are stuck in their room studying for a final they have tomorrow so I would probably just be hanging out in my room trying to be quiet. On the bright side, I am getting a ton of FREE laundry done. It cost $3/load at school. And I took a final today - no more Lewis & Clark ever again. And submitted another final for my Monsters and Madmen in Lit and Film that is due tomorrow morning at 9AM. I'm now down to one final of my college career that is Tuesday at 6:30PM. So I have a ton of time to study, which is nice. That is pretty much my life right now. Everything seems to be under control. All I need is for this sickness to go away. I leave for the Bahamas in 8 days!