I've been volunteering at Wildfire, the middle school program at my church, for over a year now. I have a solid group of 7th grade girls, whom over this last year I've gotten really close too. Kurt, the youth pastor, most recent talk series has been called Pause, something I agree middle schoolers don't do enough, between cell phones, iPods, Facebook, school, homework, sports and other after schoool activities these girls are more involved than I ever was at their age.
Last night, Kurt compared pausing and looking for God to looking for Where's Waldo? Just because you don't see Him, doesn't mean He isn't there. I thought that was a great comparison. He then challenged the students to spend 60 minutes sometime in the next week to seek God. Really try to find Him, like they would search for Waldo. As a leader, I try to do the "homework" as well. Lucky for me, I've already found Him...
As many of you know, it's been a rough couple weeks for me. I was laid off, so now I'm a networkin', meetin', coffee drinkin' fool and to top it off a new friend of mine, Kate, is missing in the Gorge. I'm burned out, professionally and personally. Last night, while at Wildfire, I got a text saying Kate's search has been called off. Heart broken is an understatement to how I was feeling, but I tried to put on a good face for my girls. But then worship started and I lost it. I'm not a crier, but I bawled like a baby... And something weird happened...
I got a hug. Not just one hug, 15 plus, from all my girls, then from their friends and other leaders. I couldn't imagine being in another place to get such bad news and be able to cry out the weight on my heart. For the first time, instead of me loving on my girls, they were loving on me. And I couldn't be more humbled by their actions. So for those two hours at Wildfire, I saw God's red and white Waldo cap on each of my girls and couldn't be more grateful for having them in my life.
Where have you seen God lately?
What wasn't allowed in a pub in 1914? (part six)
7 hours ago
What a great Waldo example! So glad that you were surrounded by people who have come to appreciate and love you, when you receiving such difficult news.
I've not stopped praying over the search. It may be stopped at the Gorge, but it could direct attention to where she is and it might not be there. Hugs to you my friend!
in my friends who call me to catch-up. especially last night when you, celeste, and my mom all called me. even though it seems like sometimes i'm impatient and don't really want to talk too much, i still really appreciate the call. it reminds me how much i am loved, and how God has put so many amazing people in my life to love and learn from.
praying for the search, and the healing of those who knew her.
Melinda - You are my prayer warrior! I love you so much and hope you knee heals up quickly so we can go for our walk (and that the rain stops).
Beckie - You are my bestie and I love you regardless of the fact that you hate talking on phones.
Great post, Jenna. I love Kurt's where's waldo analogy and your keen observation of God's presence among your girls. My heart goes out to Kate's family. I would be completely distraught.
Love you.
Nancy (Mom) - Thanks! As horrible as this sounds I'm blessed to have a mom who would be distraught if I went missing. Thanks for always helping Kirk and I find Waldo when we were little.
in my weakness, and now the rest of it
You are very special to those in our group at Wildfire and I hope that we all do our homework. It will be easier to do so with your experience and help. Thank you and I hope that you are feeling better from a hard week. Have a wonderful spring break! Love you, Natalie
Eric - The rest of what?
Natalie - You are such a sweetie. I love you and am so blessed to have you in my small group.
Eric - The rest of what?
the rest of life. not just my weakness anymore but strength, joy, pain, and the good times.
But first it was important for me to see Him in my weakness.
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