Last semester of college.
It's official. Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 22nd. I start my last semester of my college career. Crazy huh? I think it is slowly seeping in. Although I do need to get up early tomorrow morning and go to the Registrar's Office to find out a couple of things:
1) Why I can't register for my 4th class - long story I can't add my 4th class (which makes me a full time student and thus a RA and can stay on my dad's insurance) because of a financial hold on my record - however, there is no financial hold on my record - confusing huh?
2) When I become a full time student I need to get the paperwork confirming this for my mom to send to my dad's insurance company so I can still get benefits.
3) Figure out if the Registrar's Office actually figure out that little jinx in my Marketing Minor - I talked to the Academic Center and they told me it was nothing to worry about and I'm all set to graduate on time. Yeah for being an overachiever and double minoring. Causes problems left and right.
4) I need to actually sign up for my 4th class - I'm hoping to get into a class called LIT351 - Monsters and Madmen in Media - sounds interesting and fun. Plus, there are 6 books needed for the class that are all classics like Frankenstein - so I'm willing to invest the money into those books (and they are available used at the school bookstore for less that $10/book, which equals roughly a $60 class).
Other classes I am taking this semester:
* MG228 - Managing Diversity in the Workplace - sounds pretty simple - plus it is co-taught by a lady from Academic Services who used to be a RD (Resident Director) and she loves me.
* MK 402 - Marketing and the New Social Media - I believe we are studying about the affects of blogging, YouTube, Facebook, and MySpace have on the marketing world - pretty exciting stuff and it is taught by one of my favorite marketing professors, who had to pull some strings to get me into this class, which I really appreciate.
* NMSC 303 - Coastal Zone Management - taught at Brandies another school in Waltham, so that is exciting that I will get to meet other students from another school, and learn about the coastal ecosystem.
I also need to sign up for another Service Learning Project - I think I have about a week before that is due so I can get my Service Learning Certificate (120+ of community service in the 4 years I have been at Bentley).
I'll update you more on my classes as they come around. And how my attempts of getting things organized at the Registrar's Office goes.
Sorry - I know this is long. I have more things to add to this day. I went to the book store (anyone who has been to college know how much of a rip off this is) for the usual blowing of hundreds of dollars to find out at that a. MG 228 doesn't have a text book, and b. MK402 only has two books, but they aren't text books - they are actual best sellers that only cost $25/each and I would have probably bought them anyways - cause I'm a nerd like that.
And I got home from this exciting shopping trip to find an email from a student wanting to buy a boring textbook I posted online on for $40 bucks. I only paid $60 so it seemed good since I wasn't going to EVER use that horrible textbook again.
Also, did I mention that I only have class Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday? Oh the life of a senior, 3 days of school, 4 days of weekend. I think I'm gonna get another (I already have 3) job. I need the money anyways.
What wasn't allowed in a pub in 1914? (part six)
7 hours ago
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