Dear Box of Nail Polish Under my Bathroom Sink,
I am sorry for letting you go to waste. But it is time for me to grow up and realize that it is time to throw you away. Your colors have separated. Your gloppy and dry. Let's be honest. Many of you cost 99 cents when I was in middle school and you chipped away cheaply then. Now 10 years later, you don't have a chance in hell.
My love for you started at an early age. From my mom painting my nails (and my younger brothers, until the other 5 year old boys on his t-ball team made fun of him) to bicycle rides up to the Bethany ACE Hardware store when it was built when I was in 6th grade before it became a Walgreens to buy a new color of Wet-n-Wild every week with my limited savings. Some of you arrived in my box before middle school, hand me downs from my mother in an attempt to keep me out of her own nail polish bag of goodies. Some of you came from presents of family friends who had know idea what to get a crazy tomboy or from close friends who truely understood my passion for nail polish.
I can honestly say I changed the color of my nails more times than the color of my hair in middle school and high school. Which is truely saying somethign. You shined through my odd and ever changing fashion statements. I'm pretty sure I went an entire year in 7th grade with my thumbs always a different shade than the rest of my other fingernails. I will always remember you amazing box of colors.
As I admire each of you individually and remember for the most part the moods and reasons for purchasing each shade. I'm pleading with you to forgive me for letting you all good rotten. I'm still the same girl. I still will have crazy electric colors when I walk into a business meeting. I will still repaint my nails on a monthly if not weekly basis. I still am attracted like a raven to shiny things including glitter nail polish - I swear half of the 50 or so bottles that now sit in the trash had glitter in them. Please forgive me. I had so many plans for us.
But I'm a grow up now. I need nail polish that will withstand the test of time. They can't chip when I'm opening a soda can or impatiently tapping my fingers on a desk. I need strong polish the like woman I am. Yes, the new polish can be blue, or green, or purple. But strong and 99 cent Wet-n-Wild, you can't be that polish to me anymore. Once again, I'm sorry. I truely loved you all. Thank you so much for helping me express my individual personality during middle school. You were such a cheap little blessing to me. And for that I am truely thankful.
Love Always,
What wasn't allowed in a pub in 1914? (part six)
6 hours ago
Writing letters to inanimate objects really is an under_used writing technique. Loved your open letter Jenna.
(Wicked sorry I missed the grad party....I had to work unfortunately)
: (
Awesome words you got here though. I hope you continue to write you have a very unique thoughtful and funny voice in your writing.
Haha, Jenna! This is awesome! It is so difficult for me to part with old treasures...I'm terrible at it! I finally threw out my Wet-n-Wild nail polish last summer. It was a sad day. I think I had this same convo with them. lol
I really enjoyed this post!!
It is true, that memories flood back around a particular item. When we hosted Michael's grad party, we had so much memorabelia out. Star Wars and Toy Story figures, DARE, Housboat, Meadow Park grad, Mexico, SERVE, Bass Concert Choir, drama and CAT crew shirts.
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