Tomorrow my best friend, Beckie Kruse, is leaving Oregon to go to Auburn for graduate school. For four years I have been leaving her to fly to the East Coast for school and today for the first time I said good-bye to her as she gets ready to fly to the South for school. I know she will have an awesome experience there and she will be in good hands. But as selfish as it sounds: I DON'T WANT HER TO GO! Here are my reasons why:
- She has been my Houseboat bunk buddy for the past 3 years.
- We both worked at THPRD during the summers/holidays.
- We are wakeboard buddies.
- Sunset Presbyterian attenders.
- She is my "what not to wear"/how to do make up/be a girl go to person.
- She gets my sense of humor and understands my thought process.
- She orders my Starbucks for me.
- Did I mention she was my best friend.
How am I going to survive this summer with out her?
Please pray as she moves, registers for classes, gets settled into work and school. And pray for me as I let go of her. Also, if you want to be my friend and fill my Beckie-less void please let me know. Thanks!
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