Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cleaning Up Shop

I'm helping my aunt liquidate her boutique shop. And thus have a ton of stuff I need to get rid of. Everything is brand new and never been used. If you are interested, know someone who is interested or have any suggestions on how I can sell this stuff.
Thank you!Various women's leather jackets in all sizes and colors.

More leather jackets and leather belts (also in various sizes and colors and designs)
Kimono-inspired men's and women's tops.
Kid's kimonos and other clothing.
Two Large 100% Silk Bathrobes.More Leather Belts.Marble vases, incense burners, eyeglass holders, boxes, and candle holders.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paul Gillin's The New Influencers

Okay, okay, I was supposed to read this book for class last spring. But I didn't. Instead I read it this summer - see I'm a nerd.

In The New Influencers, Paul Gillin teaches companies both big and small about social media (more importantly how to blog). More importantly he talks about the importance of getting "new influencers" people who are leading bloggers in your industry, involved with your businesses social media projects. For example, spending a couple weeks researching who these new influencers are, contacting them letting them know who you are, what you are doing, and ask them if they want to be involved. Sending them products, giving them interviews, etc.

I thought the book was a really easy read. I loved the real life examples Gillin highlights. The most benefial part of the book was the chapter eight which was on podcasts (something I'm interested in getting involved in) and chapter nine which was about practical (and cheap) tools that everyday people can use to enhance their blogs.

The only part of the book that I didn't like was "Many A-list bloggers I talked to for this book said they haven't taken a real vacation in years because they're concerned about their popularity ranking." As someone who wants to make their living off social media, this is a little discouraging. Don't get me wrong, I love working hard...so I can play hard as well. Not people able to take vacations is dissapointing. Hopefully, I won't get too caught up in the blogosphere where I'm addicted to it, like some people are to video games. I want to enjoy my time here on Earth, experiencing it. I think people need to work on finding more balance between work and play and the digital world and the real one.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Auburn: First Impressions

BK is at work. So I went on my own little adventure around "main street" which is actually called College Street (I think). Here are my first impressions of Auburn:
  • Stores still use styrofoam (cups and egg crates) - not a very environmentally friendly place
  • Boys ride motorcycles in flip flops - boys who ride motorcycles = hot, wearing flip flops = not
  • Boys have "the swoop" hair cut - pretty much the hair cut my little brother had when he was in elementary school...
  • One could easily furnish your entire apartment/house/car/clothes with orange and navy blue
  • People are really friendly in the stores
  • Everyone here drinks Budweiser
  • BK (and the rest of the population here) wears boat shoes (reminds me of CT)
  • Power walking seems to be a serious sport here - yet no Nike gear...
More to come later.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I just wanted to let you all (ya'll) know that I'm leaving Thursday to fly down to Alabama to visit my best friend, Beckie Kruse (BK!). Some of the high lights of my trip will include:

  • Seeing BK
  • Seeing Madelyn Kimbrough - a girl who I went to Honduras with my senior year and is now engaged!
  • Going to the Auburn vs. LSU football game - my first Div. I football game EVER!
  • Checking out BK's new school, work, and hom
  • Tagging along to BK's classes with her
I'll be back next Tuesday and will try to stay in OR for longer than 2.5 weeks before leaving to go somewhere else!

Has anyone been to Alabama? If so, what should I expect? Any suggestions of places to check out?

Saturday, September 13, 2008


When I was younger I had two expectations of Heaven.

  1. My cousin, April, who has cerebral paslsey, will be able to see me (she is blind). Know who I am (she is severely mentaly hadicaped). Be able to go for a walk with me (she is in a wheelchair) and be be able to tell me about her life and hold a conversation with me (she is completely mute).
  2. In an extremely childish way. I hope that in Heaven I will be able to breath, see clearly, and be able to withstand pressure of swimming underwater. Just cause I love swimming but hate being bound by the body and our land loving ways.
But after reading 50 Days of Heaven by Randy Alcorn. My thoughts of Heaven have definitely changed. There is more to look forward too and more to prepare for. Using my talents to refine skills God gave me to do more good in this world so I will be better prepared for Heaven. Just having a better understanding of the logistics of Heaven is interesting too. You dye, go to like an interim Heaven, then go to New Earth, which is what we really expect Heaven to be like. We will have jobs and something I found extremely comforting was knowing that there is no reason why pets wouldn't be there either. So Dainty, my collection of fish throught the years (maybe I'll get to go swimming with them in my perfect body), and guinuea pigs will all be there too. We will have even more meaningful relationships then we could ever imagine, not just with God, but with our friends and family as well. How cool would it be to sit down and talk to my great-great grandmother about what life was like for her in Sweden when she was 22? There are endless possibilities and an infinite amount of time to explore them all. Reading this book also helped me realize that thinking about Heaven isn't as morbid as I thought it was. When you think about it, I will be spending more time there then I do on any trips or vacations, so why shouldn't I spend more time planning/researching that destinate then I do for my shorter trips?

Anyways, what are your thoughts on Heaven? What do you think it will be like? Include the childlike ones too!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Did You Know 2.0

Mind Blowing Video about Technology Today!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dainty is 10

I got Dainty when I was 12 (7th grade). I had always wanted a dog, but my family's lifestyle - the constant travel - wouldn't allow it. When I was 11, I found a loop hole. If I raised a Guide Dog for the Blind, I would get a puppy for a year (that isn't that long when you compare it to the life of a dog) and it would be able to travel with us. I talked it over with my family and started attending Guide Dog meetings. Soon after my 12th birthday, I got Dainty. A white Labrador. She taught me a lot about life and responsibility. Apparently I told my mom "When I get to high school and they make us take care of a sack of flour like a baby, I'm going to tell them 'no way, I have a puppy."

I kept Dainty for a year, fully expecting to give her up and never see her again. After that year, we dropped Dainty off for training. A couple months later we got word that she had failed (few dogs actually make it through) and that she was going to be placed for adoption. Host families (those that raise the dogs) get first choice when it comes to adoption. However, I knew my family would never be able to adopt her. A couple of weeks later. I came home from school and there she was, sitting at my front door! My parents had decided to adopt her and surprise my brother and I.

That was 9 years ago. Since then I've graduated from high school AND graduated from college. If she were my actual child, she would be entering the 2nd grade. And I would be complaining of having a daughter who was in the "double digits." It has been 7 years since 9/11. Dainty shares her birthday with the this national memorial day. While I've grown older, she has too. In dog years she is 70. She has gotten a little "lumpy" from fat tumors and I know her life expectancy is only about 13 years.

Knowing all that. She is still a great dog. She is super well behaved. She can still run like a puppy (although she needs some coasting to get going). She still greets me every morning by my door, and sticks her head out the window when I leave. In her old age, she makes a great pillow when watching movies. And is still a great cuddler, no matter how much she sheds she still will always have space in my bed.

I've had other pets, fishes, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. But Dainty has never been a pet, just another member of the family. Today, she got a bone and a play date/birthday party at the Hondo Dog Park. Pretty awesome birthday for a dog. And I can't wait to celebrate her golden birthday next year!

What was/is your favorite pet?

Monday, September 08, 2008

Awesome Weekend

This weekend was an awesome weekend! One for the books. Here is what I did:

Friday: I worked at THPRD for my supervisor who wasn't feeling well from 1:30-8:30PM. Kind of a long shift but the pool was in a weird limbo week so there wasn't a lot of actual people in the pool so we had a lot of free time. After work I met up with a friend Paige, who started her student-teacher job at Jesuit high school. It was so good to hang out with her, hear about her new job and tell her about China.

Saturday: I worked from 11:30AM - 8:30PM - for my supervisor who is getting married next weekend and had a lot of planning to do. After work, I met up with an old friend Katie, and checked out Hopworks Urban Brewery in Portland. Their beer is amazing! The food is so-so. But the atmosphere is what sold me. All organic food and sustainable products. In the woman's bathroom had writing all over the wall and I couldn't figure out what it said. When I turned around to look in the mirror, written behind me was the words "you are beautiful". Seriously the best idea ever! Being with Katie was great, we go back to 3rd grade soccer and she is by far the funniest person I have ever known. I woke up Sunday morning and my face hurt. I was laughing that much. We were so the annoying loud laughing chicks at the bar and we were totally okay with that.

Sunday: I worked AGAIN from 9:30AM - 8:30PM. And then met up with Evan, another old school friend. I've actually known him since 5th grade, we go to the same church and found out my senior year of high school he had a crush on me when we were in 5th grade. He was super mean to me back then. I guess that saying is true about little boys showing their "love" through being mean. We checked out Lucky Labrador in downtown Portland by OMSI. I loved the atmosphere while we were there, it was all penned in and there were dogs all over the place. But their beer tasted funny. I had a serious stomach ache by the time I got home.

Overall, awesome weekend. Made some money, hung out with amazing friends, checked out a two new breweries. Couldn't have been better.

What is your ideal weekend?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Marketing to the Social Web

While flying to and from China (and Thailand) I finally got the chance to read "Marketing to the Social Web: How Digital Customer Communities Build your Business" by Larry Weber. I came across the book, when Mike Proulx, Vice President of Social Media at Digital Influence Group brought in free copies of his boss' book for my entire Marketing and New Social Media Class at Bentley last May. My friend, Keith Mantia, wrote this summary of the book.

In general I was completely impressed by the book. But then I don't think I am Weber's target market for the book. The book seemed to be aimed at "old school" marketers who were trying to figure out what exactly what social media marketing is and how they can use it to be a more sucessful business. Gives general terms and how to get started pointers. Where I feel I am more of a "new school" marketer, being a recent college graduate and all and already use social media marketing on a daily basis. Before I even knew this is what I want to do with my life career wise. Pretty basic, common sense social media marketing. So my advice, if you are involved in the marketing world and have no idea what social media marketing is, get this book. It will help clue you in. If you already know what social media marketing is and have already "joined in" with the conversations happening, skip this book. Although this might be a good idea for your boss to read to help them realize when it comes to social media marketing "you're no longer in control anymore," and help them get over it.

There was a couple of things I found benefitial. One was the "A Case in Point" section, which talked about e-newsletters. Since my mom working at a wellness center she writes their monthly e-newsletters, so it was helpful to have some good tips to give her. Including:
  1. Encourage visitors to your homepage to click the "Read the Latest Newsletter" or the "Read Our Tip of the Week" button.
  2. Include a Tip of the Week page.
  3. Archieve everything and provide an "Archives" link with the current newsletter.
  4. If you have a testimonial or two about your newsletter, include it near your current newsletter, too.
  5. Add a link to a Privacy Policy page so visitors can quickly and easily check your policy.
  6. Add your signup form, a short newsletter description, and a link to the current newsletter on other subpages.
Since I run the wellness clinics blog which is currently lacking in reader engagement Weber's book had some general questions to ask readers to start an engagement, which I found helpful too.

One thing I found interesting was Weber's reasoning for why social networks are so successful is because "many people recognize a human need for such connections and are trying to find them as best they can." Such connections that have been lost through television, two-career families, suburban sprawl, and generational changes in values. I kind of agree with him. Anybody else have any thoughts on this?

The only thing I think Weber really got right (and I wish he would have expanded on this more) is: "To influence these communities, I believe, companies should do something for the social good...Even better, be sure that you and others in your organization get personally involved by volunteering your time and talents to whatever it is that will make you and your community prouder, stronger, healthier, happier."

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thoughts on Thailand

Aside from Hurricane Gustav and the Republican National Convention, if anyone pays attention to global news they will have some idea of what is happening in Thailand right now. There is currently a state of emergency as anti-government protesters are taking over the city asking the Prime Minster to step down due to corruption and with various labor unions weighing in the country looks like it will be stuck for awhile.

I woke up this morning and got an email from my dad saying "It looks like we got out in time" with a new attachment from an English Chinese newspaper stating the Chinese government was cautioning Chinese travel to Thailand.

On our way back to Shanghai we spent the night in Bangkok and security there was warning tourists not to leave the premises due to the first day of peaceful demonstrations happening. My family and I literally made it out of the country by the skin of our teeth. Those peaceful demonstrations over the course of a week have quickly escalated into fights, bloodshed and death.

I'm not here to post my views on the Thailand government but I do want to share with you two awesome programs that I have found while in Thailand. Since I have a passion for all things that make a positive impact in the world. I though some other people might enjoy them too:
  1. Cabbages & Condoms - is a hip and trendy restaurant that I went to when I was 14 during my first trip to Thailand. It offers traditional Thai food with a twist employees also promote the health and safety aspects of condom use in a fun and amusing way. Also, all proceeds from the restaurant are used to fund the social development programs of Thailand's Population and Community Development Association. I got a really big kick out of the condom flower bouquets.
  2. Doi Tong and the Mea Fah Luang Foundation - started in hopes of creating a better life for "The Hill People of Thailand" this foundation brings government support, education, and microfinancing to the area in hopes of building a stronger foundation for the community. The United Nations recently awarded this foundation an excellance award in the fight against drugs. Since Thailand's Hills are known place for drug and human trafficing. I came across this foundation while killing time in Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport. A store was selling products made by the Doi Tong Foundation.
Pretty cool stuff. If anyone knows of any cool foundations that are raising funds through non-traditional means. Let me know. Or blog about them yourself!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day of School

Here I am at my first day of Kindergarten at Oak Hills Elementary School. I'm 5 years old and in a dress. Crazy! Today is Bentley College's first day of classes. It is weird to think that for the first time since I was 5 I won't be going to school. I'm excited by the fact that I won't have finals any more. But in the real world I know I will still have papers, projects, and various group work. So not much will really change. Just the fact that I will get paid to work, rather than paying for school and I won't be living with all my best friends on a campus.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Thoughts on China

I'm still a bit jet lagged but I think I can get my thoughts organized enough to share some of my experiences while in China and Thailand.
  • It was really good to see my dad. His apartment is really cool but doesn't look "lived-in" - we need to work on that. But I've also realized that I will probably get to see him more now that I'm not going to school in Boston. For example, he is coming back for meetings in October and I would totally miss out on hanging out with him if I was still in college.
  • The ultimate highlight of my trip was getting to ride an elephant. Not just sit on the little thing on the top of it's back but actually sit on its neck and "drive" her.
  • We also got to go snorkeling on this really awesome island called Koh Tao (Turtle Island) - it was literally a postcard.
  • I don't think I've laughed so hard with my family. Mostly at the expense of my mom and I. But I am so blessed to have a funny family. For example, my dad was frustrated at the long line in customs in Shanghai when returning from Thailand. To fix this problem my brother, Kirk, placed his hand on my dad's stomach (he keeps talking about he is loosing weight) and said "seven months now?" And we all started cracking up. Or when we were sitting in our car waiting for dad and dad's driver, Feng, was getting in a fight with a traffic cop and Kirk and I started doing "voice over's" of their conversation.