I'm still a bit jet lagged but I think I can get my thoughts organized enough to share some of my experiences while in China and Thailand.
- It was really good to see my dad. His apartment is really cool but doesn't look "lived-in" - we need to work on that. But I've also realized that I will probably get to see him more now that I'm not going to school in Boston. For example, he is coming back for meetings in October and I would totally miss out on hanging out with him if I was still in college.
- The ultimate highlight of my trip was getting to ride an elephant. Not just sit on the little thing on the top of it's back but actually sit on its neck and "drive" her.
- We also got to go snorkeling on this really awesome island called Koh Tao (Turtle Island) - it was literally a postcard.
- I don't think I've laughed so hard with my family. Mostly at the expense of my mom and I. But I am so blessed to have a funny family. For example, my dad was frustrated at the long line in customs in Shanghai when returning from Thailand. To fix this problem my brother, Kirk, placed his hand on my dad's stomach (he keeps talking about he is loosing weight) and said "seven months now?" And we all started cracking up. Or when we were sitting in our car waiting for dad and dad's driver, Feng, was getting in a fight with a traffic cop and Kirk and I started doing "voice over's" of their conversation.
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