Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paul Gillin's The New Influencers

Okay, okay, I was supposed to read this book for class last spring. But I didn't. Instead I read it this summer - see I'm a nerd.

In The New Influencers, Paul Gillin teaches companies both big and small about social media (more importantly how to blog). More importantly he talks about the importance of getting "new influencers" people who are leading bloggers in your industry, involved with your businesses social media projects. For example, spending a couple weeks researching who these new influencers are, contacting them letting them know who you are, what you are doing, and ask them if they want to be involved. Sending them products, giving them interviews, etc.

I thought the book was a really easy read. I loved the real life examples Gillin highlights. The most benefial part of the book was the chapter eight which was on podcasts (something I'm interested in getting involved in) and chapter nine which was about practical (and cheap) tools that everyday people can use to enhance their blogs.

The only part of the book that I didn't like was "Many A-list bloggers I talked to for this book said they haven't taken a real vacation in years because they're concerned about their popularity ranking." As someone who wants to make their living off social media, this is a little discouraging. Don't get me wrong, I love working I can play hard as well. Not people able to take vacations is dissapointing. Hopefully, I won't get too caught up in the blogosphere where I'm addicted to it, like some people are to video games. I want to enjoy my time here on Earth, experiencing it. I think people need to work on finding more balance between work and play and the digital world and the real one.

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