My weekend started off with me passing out in my clothes (unbrushed teethed and unwashed face) at 9PM Thursday night! I hadn't gotten an uninterrupted night sleep since the Wednesday night before (that is how I roll...) woke up at 9AM Friday morning. I seriously can not tell you when the last time that happened! I got a facial from Ann at Venus Allure Spa! Go see her! Seriously she rocks! And if you mention my name you get a discount! (Contact me for details!) Then my mom and I headed up to Mt. Hood for the weekend. Friday night we checked out Ski Bowl's 80th Anniversary Celebration. I got to rock my 80s outfit for the second week in a row! Won a new pair of gloves. Which totally rocks because I torn mine over New Years and have been borrowing my brothers cause I'm too poor to buy a new pair and their WAY too big for me. Saturday was an awesome day of skiing! It felt like Spring Break skiing, sweatshirts and sunglasses kind of weather. Upper Heather Canyon was open, and there were some awesome cruisers off of Cascade. Sunday was a whole different story. It snowed! Much needed snow, but the visibility sucked, so we called it an early day and headed home to watch the Oscars. All in all a pretty sweet weekend.
How was your weekend?
What wasn't allowed in a pub in 1914? (part six)
6 hours ago
I'm so sick of snow...and if didn't like snowmobiling so much I'd move to the equator :)
How can you say that? Snow rocks!
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