Friday, February 15, 2008

On that same note, Tuesday, February 26th, Greg Mortenson will be speaking at our school. He is the author of Three Cups of Tea. Since our campus' Spiritual Life Center is hosting the event I have been asked to help out and escort Mr. Mortenson around campus. So if you have any questions you would like me to ask him please let me know.

Melinda Groth already wants me to ask him:
If he feels an the impact on his work, since Bhutto was assassinated last month?


Melinda said...

Please consider writing about the time that you spent with him. Did you visit much?

Jenna said...

I will - he doesn't come to school until Tuesday the 26th.

Melinda said...

Oops! I flunked the comprehension and retention part of my reading test. Yes, you DID say which date in the blog. Still so excited about the opportunity!

Jenna said...

Haha its okay.