I hate finals. They stress me out. I can't focus and they seem quiet pointless to me. Every semester I just want to get them over with and get home as fast as I can. It seems like everyone gets all stressed out and turn into walking zombies - which just makes me want to get out of here even faster. Plus we are being hit by snow storms - which makes me nervous about my flights home. But I know I just need to buckle down and get my work done. Lucky for me, I only have 2 more finals and 4 more days here in Boston until Jan. 17th!
Tomorrow/Today/Saturday I have, hopefully, an easy final. From 2-4PM, then a party celebrating at 10PM.
Sunday, I have to work from 4-6PM lifeguarding, hopefully writing my 4th credit, service learning paper on "How organizations, like the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, help assimilate international children to the American culture." Exciting I know. Then I was planning on going to my aunt's house to get a nice dinner, do some free laundry, and pick up the Christmas presents from her family for my family. But its supposed to snow all day - so I'm not sure if this will actually work out. I could always go Monday and just veg there while everyone is at work/school, or go and sleep over.
Monday is my roommates and I's OCD cleaning party. In which, our common room, kitchen, storage room, and bathroom will be cleaned for the break. And hopefully, I will be motivated to clean my actual room (and maybe start packing).
Tuesday is my study/packing day.
Wednesday, I have a final from 10AM-12PM. Then I'm leaving for the airport at 2PM to catch my 5PM flight home! AND I CAN NOT WAIT!
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18 hours ago