Last night I was very productive. Which is good and helps with the whole freaking out about college thing. I spoke at church yesterday as per my previous posts. But I also finished my MK 402 final group project as well as my individual project. Some of which I posted here on my blog. I also watched Crash (which is an amazing movie if you have never seen it, I would encourage you to) for my Monsters and Madmen in Lit and Film class. Our final "text" for the course. Hopefully today in class we will get our final questions so sometime this week I can write two essays and finish up another course. I also spent sometime yesterday wrapping up my college life. Writing thank you notes for all the super presents I got after speaking at church as well as thank you presents for my extended family that I am planning on giving out after my graduation. Today I have 3 final classes. My last meeting with my RD. Water polo practice and maybe a nap. Should be a good day.
If anyone has seen Crash, please share your thoughts! Thanks!
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