Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life Update

Haven't been in the mood to blog for awhile. It's getting down to the wire with graduation just around the corner. This weekend was super nice 70ish degree weather and a long weekend. MA residents have this crazy Monday holiday called Patriot's Day. No school and Marathon Monday! So I had a nice 5 day weekend and only two days of school this week. Hopefully I can get some work done since finals start next week. Anyways here is a brief update on my life.

Saturday I went to the Boston Beer Summit - learned a lot, got to try a lot of beer, and won some cool prizes, stickers, pint glasses, shirts, etc. I'm such a college student - free stuff and I am there.

Sunday was Bentley's Senior Club night, we went to Club Felt in downtown Boston and I had a great time. Danced for like 4 hours. And I wore a new dress (shocking) and got a lot of compliments. The down side was I decided it would be a good idea to lift Sunday morning, in which I did lunges and squats add that to the high heels and dancing that night - my legs are now killing me! Oh well. I'll live.

Here are some updates about graduation:
  1. I'm speaking at my church on Sunday for Senior Recognition's "Cloud of Witnesses." I wrote out my speech on Thursday night and will post it up after my talk - my roommates read my blog and I don't want to spoil it.
  2. I am getting a Service Learning Award thing (120+ hours of community service) for graduation. I still have to update my hours, write my final journal entry, and final paper for this.
  3. I am also getting a Bentley Civil Leadership Award thing at graduation too. Thus I need to write a 3-5 page paper about my experience here for the past four years.
  4. I still have to finish up my 5 classes so I can actually graduate. Crazy!
  5. Plus, I have to pack up and move and prepare for my cross country road trip with my dad.
  6. And I have to get ready for the Bahamas - I leave in like a week and a half.
That is basically my crazy life. I could go on longer - but I don't want to bore you or sound like I'm complaining. I love working under pressure.


Traci said...

oh my goodness! I've been waiting for this! I am sad I haven't a spare 30 mins to chat with you (i have 5, but that is SO not enough!) I'm glad life is just cruising, it's amazing how you look ahead and think, oh i have so much time, and then BAM it's there, and you don't even know what happened! I LOVE that you wore a dress, and even more love that people complimented you! you deserve it! :) and don't worry, free stuff doesn't end in college, I'm still there! :) glad you are enjoying beer, there are allll kinds of places to drink it in Portland!!! :) have the best 'friday' since you don't ever have class... i'm praying to find more than 2 minutes to catch up! luuv u!

Jenna said...

Thanks for the message. Glad to know you are still alive.